When you arrive at the test center, you must provide a valid and current photo ID meeting the requirements outlined above.
If you do not have a qualifying primary ID issued from the country where you are testing, an International Travel Passport from your country of citizenship is required, along with a secondary ID.All IDs required must be issued by the country in which you are testing.Your first and last name on the forms of ID you'll present on exam day must exactly match the first and last name you used to register for the exam.A secondary ID with at least your name and signature, or your name and recent recognizable photo.A primary ID must be government issued with your name, recent recognizable photo and signature.You are required to present two forms of original (no photo copies), valid (unexpired) IDs:.See the full details on CompTIA's Candidate ID Policy page. CompTIA and Pearson VUE abide by strict adherence to the outlined identification (ID) requirements to maintain exam security and prevent exam fraud.